Daisypath Anniversary tickers

成长, 原来也需要勇气,

以前啊, 都是妈妈挡在我前面帮我遮风挡雨的,
苦字, 真的不知道怎么写,

小豫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I tried to blend in

I tried not to complain

I tried to be nice with everyone

I tried to change my habit

I tried so hard

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This is the 3rd Valentine since we've been together,

but it's the first Valentine that we could celebrate together, on the actual day.

We started on 03 October 2009, We know each other on the Internet, and we only knew for 7 days.

We have Long-Distance Relationship. It's very hard. and we've go through alot...

He's from Teluk Intan, and I'm from Semenyih.

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I know there's only 6 days to go until CNY,


2 weeks to go until I go to Singapore,

actually I'm very very nervous,

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I know I'm a slow poke on knowing Jason Chen,

You don't know who's him ?



So this is the 1st song I heard from him, and my heart melts~~

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These days, I'm having insomnia,

too many adjectives for me to choose,

But I only can choose one on them, 

Headche and Gastrick keep visiting me this week,

They always pay me a visit when I have decision that I couldn't decide,

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Today is quite a special day for me and him, (I think)

It's our 2 years and 3 monthsary,

I thought he've forgot about it because he has been forgotten about this day for quite a few months already,


I purposely stay up until 12:01 am to tell him

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Feels like its been so long since my last update,

I've abandon my blog and only post article which is not really count as an update xD

The reason that I didn't update is because 

after I've gain some weight and has sudden serious break out,

I've stop taking picture of myself and I hate myself alot by then...

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遇到 AH YEW 舅舅,



肥了啊 ?

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