These days, I'm having insomnia,
too many adjectives for me to choose,
But I only can choose one on them,
Headche and Gastrick keep visiting me this week,
They always pay me a visit when I have decision that I couldn't decide,
I even had breakouts on my acne-free face,
I feel like killing myself that time...
I know that many of them look down on me because I wanted to go to Singapore and not continuing my study,
I don't want to make any explanation,
I know that even he look down on me,
he thinks that I won't be able to hang on,
I have never stress myself so hard before,
but this time, stress came to me unconsciously,
But, sometimes,
he's quite supporting though,
He'll give me suggestion or
even help me make the decision,
He will plan everything for me and I don't even need to worry about place to stay,
I feel quite touched actually,
But my blank-mind couldn't say anything "sweet" to him,
Maybe that's the way we get along,
lot's of people thinks that we always quarrel,
We always add foul words in our conversation,
"Fuck, can't you take care of yourself ? do you know that I'll worry about you ?"
"Fuck you, why the hell are you not taking your lunch yet ?"
That's the way we talk to each other,
I could only express my love to him with typing or blogging,
I'm sucks at handcraft or drawing etc.
but he have good talent on this (that makes me feel like I'm the WORST girlfriend EVER T,T )
But well...
We've been together for 2 years and 3 months,
We're still so deeply in love with each other =)
I admit that I'm still a spoil brat that haven't grow up,
I trusted him,
maybe u guys will think that I'm stupid for trusting and believing a man,
but it's my life,
don't judge -.-
To Someone :
Thanks for being the dumb fella that'll be there for me always,
but sometimes I'm wondering, will my tears influence you ?
Should I face all these problems that I'm facing without dragging u into it ?
Do u know that I felt so good when you're there for me,
I just felt that I'm safe when I'm with you, like I don't have to worry about anything else any more.
But I realized
The more I rely on you,
I'll be more afraid that you'll leave when you're tired one day.
By, Yuki