It has been so long since I last blogged.
been lazy and busy at work.
Today, I'm going to share with you my experience of Hair Body Removal with Datsumo Labo.
I've always been thinking of doing hair body removal but it's VERY VERY costy in Malaysia.
BUT after I found Datsumo Labo from blogger Miyake Wong,
and that's the time I knew that I finally can do Hair Removal with a more reasonable price !
So I quickly book a appointment with them Online, and it only took me about 10-15 seconds ?
Super Convinient !
They first outlet is located at Orchard (5-10 mins walking distance from MRT),
I first visited their Orchard outlet for consultation,
and did I mention that the Consultation Session is FREE ?
I couldn't do the Hair Removal Session on the day cause it is FULLY BOOKED.
so I go on the other day.
But now I have transfered to the Tanjong Pagar branch as it will be more convinient for me =D
So now I have visited Datsumo Labo for quite a few times already,
and I'm really really impressed with the outcome.
It doesn't mean that I have all my body hair removed,
but my body hair has become thinner and softer.
and according to my Therapist on the Consulation Session,
My thickness of body hair might need 6 session for each part to get it all removed. (Might vary between different individual)
Why I choose Datsumo Labo ?
1) They provide PAINLESS hair removal experience
Some Hair Removal Saloon claimes that their hair removal service is PAINLESS,
but turns out its a pain in the ass like rubber snapping your skin,
but at Datsumo Labo , my hair removal experience with them is so far PAINLESS.
Why is it PAINLESS ?
because they're using the premier hair removal machine from DEKA,
we called it S.S.C Hair Removal Treatment ?
What is S.S.C. ?
S.S.C. stands for Smooth Skin Control, a state-of-the-art hair removal technology.
Hair is removed through the synergy of gel and light.
By weakening the regrowth of hair, S.S.C causes unwanted hair to gradually become thinner and less noticeable.
It causes little pain and is especially suitable for customers with sensitive skin. (like me )
and it has WHITENING effect too !
2) Their price is REASONABLE
when I say REASONABLE, how reasonable ?
They have MANY MANY packages but the one I choose is Monthly,
They're different from other Hair removing sallon which only have those package which you need to pay 2000+ per shoot,
they provide package which you only need to pay SGD99(7 areas) or SGD249(22 areas)
3)Celebrities in Japan use Datsumo Labo
When celebrity in Japan uses them,
You'll know it's good.
for me, they're DAMN GOOD !
So what are you waiting for ?
BOOK an appointment with them NOW !