

that's the slogan that our PM shout out.

but if you ever read the news these days,

there are full of racism issue,

for this, I felt very sad.

Just now when I open my facebook,

I saw this picture !



now, I felt really angry !

why raise your own race and belittle others ?

who is the one who never learnt Sejarah ?


1. We-Malay, Chinese and Indians, are all immigrants.

2. Malays come from Indonesia.

3. Chinese come from China.

4. Indians come from India.

5. The only bumiputras are the tribes we called as orang “kita” (orang asli).

so, should we all packed up and go back to our country and leave those bumi putras here ?

This land we're on were the creation of God.

I did not touch any religious issue in here.

but I mean,


according to different religion believe.

do you get what i meant ?

although I don't really have deep fellings to this country,

but when I saw this happen in my native country, I still feel sad.

We've been living in this country harmonically for 53 years !

without Cina worked as pelombong bijih timah,

do we know Malaysia were such potential ?

without India as buruh kasar,

can we be such prosperous ?

why belittle WE Chinese 

and raise the value of Malay ?

We born on the same piece of land,

and our next generation do to !


Malaysia wouldn’t be Malaysia without Malays, Chinese, Tamils, Ibans etc.

So all races are vital, none are to be absent,

We are all equal, from the day we’re born till we die.

perhaps our government should think back what's the cause of these issue,

government gives bumiputra (which Malay counts) discount on buying

cars, house and etc.

other race will feel unbalanced too !

If you really wanna give discount,

give it to all !

or else, don't give it at all !

somtimes, the government is really the source of racism issue,

but, I am sure it will be better right ?

We want peace and racism is redundant !

So use maturity, rationality and logical thinking to fix this mess.

Restore the “1 Malaysia” we had. The current one is just a brand, a product, an empty shell.

Believe in unity !

After all, we are all humans, so why let race be a border ?

I cannot comprehend why so many idiots walk this earth. Quit being another idiot.

Do not just say We're Satu Malaysia,

but really put it into practice from the bottom of our heart !

I'm Malaysian and I'm proud to be one !

I don't need anyone to approve it !

    創作者 小豫 的頭像

    Life, Faith & Trust.

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